Ladies of Charity
Hours of Operation: Food Pantry & Thrift Store
Every Saturday 10am-1pm
Every Monday & Wednesdat - 4pm to 6pm

The Ladies of Charity celebrate Christmas with a concert and a party!

Handmade Wood Crafts
The LOC are selling beautiful, hand-crafted cutting boards, lazy susan turntables, and cheese cutters to raise funds for the Center of Hope Pantry. They make wonderful holiday gifts. Each item is uniquely crafted from such exotic woods such as leopard wood, purple & yellow heart, and curly maple. These items can be purchased at events such as bake sales, bingo nights and during the summer, the Bountiful Farmers' Market.


The Center of Hope Celebrates 20 Years of Progress and a New Thrift Store

The Following Article by Christine Young appears in the Ladies of Charity Servicette Magazine

Ladies of Charity of Northern Utah create Raspberry Hope Soap after the Center of Hope
By Chris Young
North Salt Lake – Ladies of Charity of Northern Utah treasurer Mary Ellen Dworshak came up with the idea to sell soap for a profit after traveling to Nashville, Tenn., with her husband. They went to a market and came across a gentleman who belonged to a charity much like ours, who said he could make $20,000 a year selling soap. Mary Ellen proposed this idea during a general Ladies of Charity meeting more than a year ago, and it was decided we would do it as a fund raiser and as a promotional tool. If
we are successful, we will branch out further into different scents and colors.
Bev Streba, a Lady of Charity, began doing the research on six different companies who make soap, and narrowed it down to two, which the association voted on, and we picked a company in Northern Utah, where there is a popular recreational lake – Bear Lake in Logan, Utah. We wanted to stay local, within Utah. There are wonderful raspberries in Logan during raspberry season, they sell raspberry shakes, fruit stands sell famous Bear Lake raspberries, raspberry jam, and now we have Raspberry Center of Hope, Hope Soap.
The 4.3 oz bars sell for $8 and smell wonderful! They are made with goat’s milk. It will make your skin feel silky smooth. For more information or to purchase soap call Mary Ellen at 801-450-1650 or dworshak21@msn.com.
All proceeds go toward Center of Hope Food Pantry.
The Ladies of Charity had a bake sale Nov 19-20th to help support the Food Pantry